Balcony Blues to Bliss:How Design Transforms Lifes

As an Interior Designer, I often find myself playing a dual role: part Designer, part Lifestyle Coach. This became especially clear during a recent furniture shopping trip with a new client family here in Singapore. They were excitedly planning their first home, a significant step after years of renting.

During the shopping trip, a conversation about their current apartment piqued my curiosity. They mentioned having a spacious balcony, yet they barely used it. It ended up being a storage space for clutter and extra laundry. This surprised me! Especially considering the recent lockdowns where balconies became precious pockets of fresh air. I naively assumed everyone shared my love for outdoor relaxation.

It was a pivotal moment. I realized that to truly design their dream home, I needed to understand their current lifestyle and how they could benefit from a more functional and enjoyable balcony in their new place.

Maximizing Space, Maximizing Life

The design process became an exercise in space optimization and lifestyle coaching. We discussed their needs and aspirations for the balcony. Did they crave a morning coffee spot, a reading nook, or an entertainment area? Once we had a vision, we explored furniture options that were both functional and weather-resistant. Retractable awnings or umbrellas offered shade on sunny days. Comfortable seating and a small table created a dedicated relaxation zone.

When I inquired about their lack of balcony use, it became clear that the culprit might have been the furniture itself. They never felt truly relaxed in the space, often opting to spend an hour reading in their study instead. Now, their client enjoys reading in the very same spot on the balcony, the difference being the furniture. Ergonomically designed for comfort and relaxation, the clean, uncluttered lines of the space fostered a sense of calm, while the right lighting set the mood for evenings and gatherings.

The Unveiling and a New Ritual

Finally, the big day arrived! When I visited to style the final touches, I was met with a surprise even more delightful than the perfectly placed throw pillows. My clients, beaming, exclaimed, "Ankita, let's have our evening tea session on the balcony!"

It was a moment of pure satisfaction. They expressed their gratitude for how I had transformed their lifestyle in subtle ways. They had begun a new family ritual: enjoying their evenings together on the newly designed balcony.

The Power of Design

This experience solidified my belief that interior design goes beyond aesthetics. It's about creating spaces that enhance people's lives. Sometimes, it takes a gentle nudge, a helping hand to unlock the potential of a neglected corner, a balcony in this case, and transform it into a space for connection and joy.

Is there any under-utilized space in your home waiting to be transformed?

Ankita Tambi